Témoignage souvenir de Editha JOSE
Editha C. JOSE a passé l'année universitaire 2008-2009 au LMRS. Elle y a terminé la préparation de sa thèse co-encadrée par Patrizia Donato. Elle est aujourd'hui enseignante-chercheuse à University of the Philippines Los Baños.
Bonjour ! Ça va ? Merci.
An Experience of a Foreigner at LMRS
It was April 19, 2008 when I first stepped into the gates of the University of Rouen after almost 20 hours of travel from the Philippines. My journey to this place was made possible by my dissertation supervisor, Prof. Patrizia Donato. Through her generosity and the funding support of the University of the Philippines (where I am studying and teaching), I was given the opportunity to conduct my dissertation at the University of Rouen for a year.
The road from Paris airport to Rouen was quite long but the serenity and the green surroundings were easing my nervousness.
It was my first time to travel in a foreign land, only armed with a handful of French words and my desire to finish the PhD degree.
With a severe jetlag (a seven hours difference from where I came),
I was joyfully greeted by several professors and students from Laboratoire Mathématiques Raphaël Salem (LMRS).
Bonjour ! I already felt the warmth of my second home even in the coldness of the spring.
The first few months of my stay in the University were full of struggles and questions.
I had to learn the language and the culture while doing the Mathematics at the same time.
I had to endure the sadness away from home where I left my two very young children.
But, with the company and friendship of my co-doctorants, Nadira, Manel, Olivier D., Olivier B., Nicolas, Vincent, Islam, Ouerdia and Saturnin,
I was able to survive and enjoy my stay at LMRS.
Aside from them, I cannot forget Gérard, Paul, Isabelle, Philippe, Sorin, Thierry, Edwige and Marguerite
who were very helpful not only in teaching me how to speak French but also in dealing with several problems I encountered.
- Ça va ?
- Ça va. Et vous ?
Yes, questions and loneliness (autumn and winter) are temporary in the midst of good companies and genuine friendships (spring and summer).
That one year of my life was full of new good experiences, memories and learnings that I cannot forget and will keep me coming back to a place of great people and serious mathematics. I was able to finish my dissertation through my helpful but strict supervisor who pushed me to work harder. I consider her not only as my mother in research but also as a very good friend. Until this day, we are collaborating with several Mathematics problems.
It was April 17, 2009, one day before my flight back home and a surprise farewell party was organized by LMRS.
They gave me a souvenir album which I am reading until now whenever I miss the place and the people.
It also refreshes me with the French language. I am very fortunate and proud to say that I became part of the LMRS family.
And with that, Merci beaucoup.